The Denver Post

Being inducted into the Colorado Ski & Snowboard Hall of Fame in 2012 was one of the highlights of my life. To see other highlights of my life portrayed in the induction video that eef4kProductions put together for the induction gala was beyond my wildest dreams. They managed to get film of Lindsey Vonn and Picabo Street, as well as Bob Beattie, Billy Kidd and John Garnsey. The video blew me away in the way it weaved very moving interview footage together with photos and wonderful narration, and TJ Davis did a phenomenal job editing the video. I could not have been more pleased with the way it turned out. Then in 2013, I was interviewed for the induction videos of Richard Rokos and Chad Fleischer. The eef4kProductions crew was a joy to work with. These guys are real pros and I am beyond pleased they have asked me for a testimonial. It’s the only way I can give back to those who did such a great job making my induction video something I will treasure forever.

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