Tim Ryan

When announcers work with production units, they expect them to be professionals, ready to go with the latest equipment, a passion for their task, a love for the sports they are covering and a sense of team spirit. Hayden Scott’s eef4kProductions has all these ingredients, as I have experienced over many years of working with them and my colleague Todd Brooker on the Korbel American Ski Classic for the Vail Valley Foundation. It is a creative team, always willing to try new things during the shoot, making good programs with intelligent, dynamic editing and a close rapport with the announcers doing on-cameras and voice-overs. Hayden, Abe, TJ and their hard-working crews always make it fun to be with them. At the end of the day, eef4kProductions always shows itself to be among the top sports and commercial production companies in the U.S.

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